
Nerd : Kutu buku / pintar tapi introvert
Backed : didukung
Bail out : kondisi bank tak mampu bayar hutang
Back down (on) : mundur
when/if ... ... then = jika ... maka
clinch : merebut (victory), menutup
squarely : secara jujur
thoroughly : secara menyeluruh
entirely : seluruhnya
Hit back
placate : mendamaikan, menentramkan (plakeit)
slander : memfitnah
smile wryly : senyum dengan masam
blaspheme : mengutuk, menyerapah, menghina Tuhan
wand : tongkat pesulap
plenary : paripurna, pleno
pedestrian : pejalan kaki
inconsistent : tidak tetap
tripwire : kabel listrik yang moratmarit ke jalanan
on the pretext : dengan dalih
notion : ide
mingle : bergaul, berbaur
incessantly : dengan berkelanjutan
patchy : setengah-setengah, tidak selesai, tidak lengkap
Vexed : menjengkelkan
compassion : perasaan haru, keharuan
evolve : berembang
coincides : bertepatan
bust: payu dara, a sculpture of a person's head, shoulders, and chest
predecessor : pendahulu
successor : penerus
adherence : ketaatan
replete : penuh dengan (adj)
treason : pengkhianatan
Persistence : ketekunan
vehemently : dengan penuh nafsu
loch : teluk
atrocity : kekejaman
mercilessly : tanpa ampun
shudder at : merasa ngeri, jijik
nipped : menjepit
collide : berbenturan
frantic: dalam keadaan takut.
The dangerous men are on the loose ????
stand guard ?????
Get by : to be ?able to ?live or ?deal with a ?situation with ?difficulty, usually by having just enough of something you need, such as ?money:
How can he get by on so little ?money?
We can get by with four ?computers at the ?moment, but we'll need a ?couple more when the new ?staff ?arrive.
emasculate : mengebiri
Spit : meludah, ludah/liur
flank : mengapit
reconvene : berkumpul kembali
discreet : berhati-hati (adj)
delicately : dg nyaman
decapitate : memenggal leher
despot : penguasa yang kejam
callousness : sifat tidak berperasaan
reputedly : kata orang
deferred : menunda
brazen : kurang ajar
popped up
break into
chalked up : beruntung, mencatat
Likewise : demikian juga
child-rearing : memperbesar
compensated : mengganti rugi
commensurately : setaraf, sepadan
perceive : merasa
to condense (merampingkan) two cabinets into one
His eyebrows furrowed : berkerut
My lips pursed : berkerut (just for lips)
gasp : terengah-engah
mound : gundukan
tilt : memiringkan
vigilantly : dg waspada
are acutely aware of : benar2 mengetahui tentang
affluent (makmur) families
Boo : mengolok, ejek
bruising : memar
Strew : menaburkan
overlook : melupakan, pangling
Figure : jumlah, bilangan, data
beforehand : sebelumnya
ever since : ?continuously since that ?time - sejak
He's been ?depressed ever since he got ?divorced.
get over something : to ?accept an ?unpleasant ?fact or ?situation after ?dealing with it for a while:
They’re ?upset that you didn’t ?call, but they’ll get over it.
steward : mengurus, melayani
municipalities : kotamadya
truant : bolos
illicit relationship : hub gelap
tardiness : keterlambatan
compel : memaksa
absurd : mustahil, tak masuk akal
tiresome : membosankan, menjemukan
bigot : orang fanatik
preserve : memelihara, mempertahankan (tradisi), mengawetkan,
fore : bagian depan (n), depan/muka (adj)
strengths and weaknesses
mingle : bergaul dengan
stockpile : nyetok, mengadakan persediaan
underwrite: mempertangungjawabkan, menanggung (s. o's education)
regrettably : disayangkan
strike sb/sth off : memecat
moans and panting : merintih dan terengah
classy : mentereng, bagus sekali
grave sin : dosa besar (...against God)
spanking : memukul di pantat
collated : collect and combine (text and information)
dispatch : mengirim, mengutus
gleaning : mengumpulkan sedikit2
woefully : dengan sedih
incorporated : menyatukan
startle : mengejutkan, mengagetkan
likely >< unlikely
Downplay : make sth appear less important than it really is
inaugural : pengukuhan
comply : tunduk, patuh, mengikuti
stamp out : put an end to sth
carry away
tear down
having a whale of a time
screen them out beforehand
stark : yg sebenarnya, kejam seklai,
untenable : tak dapat dipertahankan
shun : menghindari, mengelakkan
banter : olok2, senda gurau
grope : meraba-raba
to put up with
piece something together
to fit something together; to assemble the pieces of something, such as a puzzle or something puzzling, and make sense of it.
e.gThe police were unable to piece the story together.
The detective tried to piece together the events leading up to the crime.
consensus : mufakat, persetujuan umum
conscience : kata hati
consent : persetujuan
hoodwink : menipu, memperdayakan
pile up : menimbung
momentarily : sebentar lagi
drift off : to ?gradually ?start to ?sleep:
I couldn't ?help ?drifting off in the ?middle of that ?lecture - it was so ?boring!
jot down : mencatat
frankness : keterusterangan
inquire : meminta keterangan, menanyakan
inadvertently : dengan tak hati2
It would sell its 300 copies regardless (bagaimanapun juga)
convened : memanggil utk rapat, bersidang
conceive : menjadi hamil
Intermittently : dg sebentar2
frigid : berhati dingin
disclosing : menyingkap
deploy : menyebarkan (prajurit)
Social Justice : keadilan sosial
crack down : to ?start ?dealing with ?bad or ?illegal ?behaviour in a more ?severe way:
The ?library is ?cracking down on people who lose their books.
conjure up : menyulapkan
enacting islamic laws
guise trouble : menimbulkan kekacauan
unequivocally : dengan tegas
to be organically interacted with by means of reading
refute : menyangkal
disillusion: mengecewakan, -ed : kecewa
get sth into
aviation attachments : lampiran penerbangan ????
stealthy : secara diam-diam
be matched by
paratroopers : pasukan payung
stage assault on
airborne (terbang/di dara) exercise
Topless : telanjang dada
famed : famous
virtually = nearly = amost
swamped : membanjiri
stronghold : kubu
al Qaeda offshoot : cabang, bagian
eradicating : membasmi
fiendishly : sangat jahat
whose demise would deal a hammer blow?
decapitation : pemenggalan leher
overlooks : meluakan
mayhem : aniaya
opaque : buam
tertiary = third
overrun : mengerumuni, membaniri,
alleged : diduga (tanpa bukti)
chaired : diketuai
decry : mengutuk, mencela, menentang
be sentenced to (10 years)
speed bumps : polisi tidur
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