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Terjemah Kata Stuff

English Vocabulary, Learn Enlish

Dalam kamus Oxford, kata stuff diartikan sebagai: matter, material (urusan/hal/barang)
Untuk lebih mudah memahami, lihat contoh berikut:
There is sticky stuff on the floor
Do you know that black stuff?
All that stuff is a lie?
You did interesting stuff.
He has stuff to do.
Bring all of your camping stuff.
Don't bring too much stuff.

Bahasa Inggrisnya Lengket

Learn English, English Vocabulary

Bahasa Inggris dari kata Lengket adalah Sticky. Berikut contoh kalimatnya:
He spilled the juice, therefore the floor is sticky
His brother's face is sticky with chocolate
The bottom of the plate is aticky

Bahasa Inggrisnya "Tidak Jadi"

Bahasa Inggrisnya kata "Tidak Jadi" adalah Back out". Berikut contoh kalimatnya:
You agreed to watch movie, why do you back out?
You can't back out to go to beach.
He backed out after I prepared all the atuff.

The Difference Between Accountability and Responsibility

The words responsible and accountable are almost the same in meaning. But those are different. Accountable is more than responsible. To be responsible means you own a rask or you are in charge. While to be accountabe, you will be blamed of something happen in what you're in charge.

Not A Real Poor Widows

English, English Story, English Vocabulary, Learn English,
It's a real story from a Facebook friend. I feel that I need to give comment on it, to show my point of view. She has three neighbors. They are widows. They sometimes share with her about their life. They had no enough money. They lived a hard lives. They sometimes asked her to find them good job.

One day she need a laundry service for her dirty cloth. She thought that it was better if she gave the job to the widows. She thought the widows would be happy with that job. She gave all the dirty cloth to the widow. But, the widow brought it all to the laundry service and she just sitting at her house.

Is something wrong?

My Phrases Collection

English Phrase, English, English Story, English Test, English Vocabulary, Learn English,
Hurricane batters Florida
He vanished in the Yunnan Province
a child curled up beside her
The effort is not confined to (membatasi) the US, but seems to be a global campaign
lapses in concentration, lapses of memory
They were confined to the discipline of philosophy

Well rounded involving or having experience in a wide range of ideas or activities:
-The article is well rounded and is fair to both sides of the dispute.
-[ before noun ] She describes herself as a "well-rounded individual" who works hard but has a varied social life.
Bus bursts into flames
stand still
the bus engulfed in fire
to get used to local cultures
fall out of tree
The love and continuous awareness of God and the Day of Judgment enables man to be moral in conduct and sincere in intentions, with devotion and dedication.
Some of the most primary character traits expected of a Muslim are piety, humility and a profound sense of accountability to God
adorn the individual’s character with the noblest of virtues
...done with the goal of attaining of God’s pleasure to be worship
the outward acts of worship
to be humble before God and other people
innate moral sense
code of conduct
moral guides
guiding principle
you are truly passionate about the goals
to plug into the emotional pull of each goal
the actions you are going to take
joyous state
feeling rested
purposeful individuals
in accordance with God’s guidance
Gratitude in prosperity, patience in adversity, and the courage to uphold the truth
For an individual as well as a society, morality is one of the fundamental sources of strength
everything that leads to the welfare of the individual and the society is morally good in Islam, and whatever is harmful is morally bad
human rights watchdog

Vocabulary From News and Short Story

English, English Phrase, English Test, English Vocabulary, Learn English, English News,

guises samaran
clandestine dilakukan dengan rahasia
butchering menyembelih, memotong
ambivalence dua perasaan yang bertentangan
deterrent alat penangkal
loom terbayang
hampered menghambat (progress)
detriment kerusakan, kerugian ....of children
polygyny poligami
sublime luhur
absorption pengisapan
Collarbone tulang selangka = clavicle
Nape tengkuk
spine tulang punggung
tingles menggelnyar   .... her hair
defame memfitnah
hilarious riang, gembira
sleeves lengan baju
disheartening mengecilkan hati
unexpectedly tak disangka, tak diduga, tak diharapkan
chunks gumpalan ...of volcanic debris (runtuhan)
verge ambang .....on the verge of total collapse
innately dengan bawaan
creepy menyeramkan
ghetto bagian kota ygy dihuni kaum minoritas
contagious diseases menular
gentiles kafir
austerity ketegangan, kekerasan
wag mengibas-ngibaskan
frantically dengan kebingungan
flagellate mencambuk
defy menentang
cordoned off menutup dengan lingkaran ..area
Fire Brigade pemadam kebakaran
rampant merajalela, menjadi-jadi
dire mengerikan, menakutkan
spill meluap tumpah ...into Syria
deteriorate memburuk
contention anggapan, pernyataan, perdebatan
aftermath akibat yang umumnya buruk
pledged menjanjikan
dangled membayang2kan, berjuntai
hook menyangkutkan
forte keahlian
trammelled mengekang
frank jujur, terus terang
frankly sebetulnya
vanguard barisan depan
modestly sederhana
confess mengakui
rite upacara
chastity kesucian
inflows perpindahan (of people), pemasukan (of capital)
flout mencemooh  ... the law
liken menyamakan
abattoirs penjagalan
ulcers borok, bisul
dissolved menghancurkan hot water
tonic obat penguat
decimated membinasakan sebagian besar, mengurangi
impulse gerak hati
subvert menumbangkan
infuse menanamkan
defy menentang
eminent ulung, unggul
latent terpendam
abyss jurang ngarai yg dalam sekali
arid gersang
heresy bid'ah, klenik
esoteric knowledge hanya diketahui dan dipahami orang ttt saja  >< exoteric
versatile cakap dalam berbagai hal
inculcate menanamkan
moderation sikap tidak berlebihan
reprimand menegur, mencerca, mengomeli
discreet bijaksana, berhati2
accords with cocok dg
insists upon meminta dg tegas, menuntut, bersikeras
neglect mengabaikan, melalaikan
renowned terkenal, masyhur
outdated kuno, ketinggalan jaman
emulate berusaha menyaingi
squeegee alat pembersih terbuat dari karet
custodian penjaga, pemelihara, petugas
novelties sesuatu yg baru, kesenangan baru
gimmick tipu muslihat
intermittently dengan sebentar2
travesty parodi, karikatur, ejekan
sturdy kokoh, tegap
evict mengusir
mound gundukan tanah
foraging mencari makan
thunder rumble gemuruh
chirp mengerik
clay tanah liat
vanquish menaklukkan
splash cemplungan, memercik, berpercikan
shingle mengatapi dengan sirap
spider silk
fortress benteng
Pluck memetik, membului
dispatched for surgery diberangkatkan
vagrant gelandangan
gag menyumbat speech
tuck menyelempitkan (bed clothes)
wrangling pertengkaran, percekcokan
lifetime seumur hidup
juncture titik waktu
volatile mudah menguap, berubah pendirian
strife perselisihan, percekcokan
upsurge kenaikan violence
flurry kesibukan/keributan yg tiba-tiba, kebingungan ... of diplomatic activity
embolden membesarkan hati, memberanikan
bragging membual
probe memeriksa ...Russian atempt to disrupt
sow menabur, menyebar ...chaos
taint water suply mencemari
furious sangat marah
a veneer of tranquility lapisan kedamaian
favour menyokong
exodus kepergian banyak orang
volatile mudah menguap, berubah pendirian
unseat menggeser dari kedudukan
guerrillas gerilya
edict dekrit, proklamasi
foster membantu perkembangan ...public distrust
discontent ketidakpuasan
rubble puing, runtuha
restive republic gelisah
insurgency pemberontakan, kekacauan
defective tidak sempurna
hereditary turun-temurun
bewildered membingungkan
ordinance ordinansi, peraturan
steward pramugara
overdue melampaui batas
ratify mengesahkan
lousy jelek
shrug off questions meremehkan, menganggap enteng, tidak menghiraukan
shrug angkat bahu
snatch menculik
heir waris
tremor getaran (gempa)
severity kerasnya, kehebatan
oust mengusir, memecat, mengeluarkan
remark ucapan, kata2, teguran
crude profiling raut muka kasar,
backdrop latar belakang
illicit used ilegal, gelap
to beat off the stiff competition keras, gigih, kuat
Wales was being outperformed by the rest of the UK
fare ongkos, biaya
rosy berwarna merah
thwart menghalangi, merintangi
deplore menyesalkan
cornerstones batu pertama
tyrant raja kejam
hallmark tanda (resmi)
concoct membuat (a drink, a lie)
obscure tak jelas
squandering memboroskan     ...much of its oil welth
foul kecurangan, pelanggaran
apparently rupanya
billow mengombak, menggelembung
turnout kedatangan
hubby papi (julukan buat suami)
stunt pertunjukan ketangkasan, akrobatik
atrocity kekejaman
undermine meruntuhkan
insurgency pemberontakan, kekacauan
steadfast tabah, setia
eulogy pujian utk orang yg telah meninggal
alleviate hardship mengurangi
hammering menimpa
cult cara memuja
scrambling berebut
formidable hebat, berat
it conceded civilian casualties
feeble signals lemah
to sweat it out
the scene went down
aftermath akibat (yang umumnya buruk)
beacon lentera laut
harrowing hal yang mengerikan
ordeal cobaan berat
shuddering down
thwarting merintangi
looting merampas
discrepancies ketidaksesuaian
collateral damage
impartial tak berat sebelah
lethal mematikan
exonerated itself membebaskan dari tuduhan/celaan

Vocabulary Collection 'Kumpulan kosa kata' (8)

Nerd : Kutu buku / pintar tapi introvert
Backed : didukung
Bail out : kondisi bank tak mampu bayar hutang
Back down (on) : mundur
when/if ... ... then = jika ... maka
clinch : merebut (victory), menutup
squarely : secara jujur
thoroughly : secara menyeluruh
entirely : seluruhnya
Hit back
placate : mendamaikan, menentramkan (plakeit)
slander : memfitnah
smile wryly : senyum dengan masam
blaspheme : mengutuk, menyerapah, menghina Tuhan
wand : tongkat pesulap
plenary : paripurna, pleno
pedestrian : pejalan kaki
inconsistent : tidak tetap
tripwire : kabel listrik yang moratmarit ke jalanan
on the pretext : dengan dalih
notion : ide
mingle : bergaul, berbaur
incessantly : dengan berkelanjutan
patchy : setengah-setengah, tidak selesai, tidak lengkap
Vexed : menjengkelkan
compassion : perasaan haru, keharuan
evolve : berembang
coincides : bertepatan
bust: payu dara, a sculpture of a person's head, shoulders, and chest
predecessor : pendahulu
successor : penerus
adherence : ketaatan
replete : penuh dengan (adj)
treason : pengkhianatan
Persistence : ketekunan
vehemently : dengan penuh nafsu
loch : teluk
atrocity : kekejaman
mercilessly : tanpa ampun
shudder at  : merasa ngeri, jijik
 nipped : menjepit
collide : berbenturan
frantic: dalam keadaan takut.
The dangerous men are on the loose     ????
stand guard   ?????
Get by : to be ?able to ?live or ?deal with a ?situation with ?difficulty, usually by having just enough of something you need, such as ?money:
How can he get by on so little ?money?
We can get by with four ?computers at the ?moment, but we'll need a ?couple more when the new ?staff ?arrive.
emasculate : mengebiri
Spit : meludah, ludah/liur
flank : mengapit
reconvene : berkumpul kembali
discreet : berhati-hati (adj)
delicately : dg nyaman
decapitate : memenggal leher
despot : penguasa yang kejam
callousness : sifat tidak berperasaan
reputedly : kata orang
deferred : menunda
brazen : kurang ajar
popped up
break into
chalked up : beruntung, mencatat
Likewise : demikian juga
child-rearing : memperbesar
compensated : mengganti rugi
commensurately : setaraf, sepadan
perceive : merasa
to condense (merampingkan) two cabinets into one
His eyebrows furrowed : berkerut
My lips pursed : berkerut (just for lips)
gasp : terengah-engah
mound : gundukan
tilt : memiringkan
vigilantly : dg waspada
are acutely aware of : benar2 mengetahui tentang
affluent (makmur) families
Boo : mengolok, ejek
bruising : memar
Strew : menaburkan
overlook : melupakan, pangling
Figure : jumlah, bilangan, data
beforehand : sebelumnya
ever since : ?continuously since that ?time - sejak
 He's been ?depressed ever since he got ?divorced.
get over something : to ?accept an ?unpleasant ?fact or ?situation after ?dealing with it for a while:
 They’re ?upset that you didn’t ?call, but they’ll get over it.
steward : mengurus, melayani
municipalities : kotamadya
truant : bolos
illicit relationship : hub gelap
tardiness : keterlambatan
compel : memaksa
absurd : mustahil, tak masuk akal
tiresome : membosankan, menjemukan
bigot : orang fanatik
preserve : memelihara, mempertahankan (tradisi), mengawetkan,
fore : bagian depan (n), depan/muka (adj)
 strengths and weaknesses
mingle : bergaul dengan
stockpile : nyetok, mengadakan persediaan
underwrite: mempertangungjawabkan, menanggung (s. o's education)
regrettably : disayangkan
strike sb/sth off : memecat
moans and panting : merintih dan terengah
classy : mentereng, bagus sekali
grave sin : dosa besar (...against God)
spanking : memukul di pantat
collated : collect and combine (text and information)
dispatch : mengirim, mengutus
gleaning : mengumpulkan sedikit2
woefully : dengan sedih
incorporated : menyatukan
startle : mengejutkan, mengagetkan
likely >< unlikely
Downplay : make sth appear less important than it really is
inaugural : pengukuhan
comply : tunduk, patuh, mengikuti
stamp out : put an end to sth
carry away
tear down
having a whale of a time
screen them out beforehand
stark : yg sebenarnya, kejam seklai,
untenable : tak dapat dipertahankan
shun : menghindari, mengelakkan
banter : olok2, senda gurau
grope : meraba-raba
to put up with
piece something together
to fit something together; to assemble the pieces of something, such as a puzzle or something puzzling, and make sense of it.
e.gThe police were unable to piece the story together.
   The detective tried to piece together the events leading up to the crime.
consensus : mufakat, persetujuan umum
conscience : kata hati
consent : persetujuan
hoodwink : menipu, memperdayakan
pile up : menimbung
momentarily : sebentar lagi
drift off : to ?gradually ?start to ?sleep:
I couldn't ?help ?drifting off in the ?middle of that ?lecture - it was so ?boring!
jot down : mencatat
frankness : keterusterangan
inquire : meminta keterangan, menanyakan
inadvertently : dengan tak hati2
It would sell its 300 copies regardless (bagaimanapun juga)
convened : memanggil utk rapat, bersidang
conceive : menjadi hamil
Intermittently : dg sebentar2
frigid  : berhati dingin
disclosing : menyingkap
deploy : menyebarkan (prajurit)
Social Justice : keadilan sosial
crack down : to ?start ?dealing with ?bad or ?illegal ?behaviour in a more ?severe way:
The ?library is ?cracking down on people who lose their books.
conjure up : menyulapkan
enacting islamic laws
guise trouble : menimbulkan kekacauan
unequivocally : dengan tegas
to be organically interacted with by means of reading
refute : menyangkal
disillusion: mengecewakan, -ed : kecewa
get sth into
aviation attachments : lampiran penerbangan ????
stealthy : secara diam-diam
be matched by
paratroopers : pasukan payung
stage assault on
airborne (terbang/di dara) exercise
Topless : telanjang dada
famed : famous
virtually = nearly = amost
swamped : membanjiri
stronghold : kubu
al Qaeda offshoot : cabang, bagian
eradicating : membasmi
fiendishly : sangat jahat
whose demise would deal a hammer blow?
decapitation : pemenggalan leher
overlooks : meluakan
mayhem : aniaya
opaque : buam
tertiary = third
overrun : mengerumuni, membaniri,
alleged : diduga (tanpa bukti)
chaired : diketuai
decry : mengutuk, mencela, menentang
be sentenced to (10 years)
speed bumps : polisi tidur

My Students' Work

Dictionary, Vocabulary, Learn English
My students' work with some editing.

My Dog

I want to talk about my dog.

I have three dogs: one female and two males. I help them to take a leak and take a bowl every morning. They can't do it in their cage. After that, they are enjoying the free time at the porch. They like barking out there, moreover, when someone pass them by. But, they keep silent when they feel comfortable.

When I bring them food, they bark again. I usually give them rice, egg, and ketchup. If I have more money, I give them chicken innards. I give them milk for their drink.

Every Saturday or Sunday I am bathing them one by one. Their tails are moving around. I put them in their cage after bathing.

They are very funny before I forget their names. The female dog' name is Candy and for the males are Tomy and Polka.
By Miss Siswati

The Degradation of Morality

Lately, there is a rumor on mass media in Indonesia about the killing of Deudeuh, a prostituted woman. It is not about the killing or the killer, but it's about morality. In my point of view, the morality of most Indonesian people decreases, for example, about Deudeuh. She is a pretty woman, but she doesn't have good morality. To make money, she prostitutes herself straightforwardly through social media.

It is not just Deudeuh. In fact, many women do the same thing including teenagers. They sell themselves like a bitch. They sell their beautiful faces for penny. They do it for many reasons, but what they do is not a reason to survive. Many ways to make money without selling themselves and their soul. Who knows, but it's very sudden and apprehensive.
By Miss Nene

Dream in My Head and My Life

I am thinking about the word "Dream". According to me, dream is a hope from my heart. Dream is a wish when it doesn't come true. But I am sure, I can make my dreams and hopes come true.

So, many hopes in my head and in my life too. And, it may be better if I have many dreams. A dream must be in compliance with what I do, because it will be meaningless if I don't do it.

So, let's we make our hopes and dreams come true.
By Miss Sinta

Football in Indonesia

Indonesian football is very interesting. Every people, especially men, from young to old adore football. Football is a pride of its city, for example, PERSEBAYA Surabaya. Persebaya was born in 1927. Persebaya be a winner for the first time in 1996. All people celebrate it.

Bonek is supporters of Persebaya. They make a convoy on the road.

Peersebaya has star player, his name is Jackson Trago. Once he made goal by flying kick. Every people cheered it up. I don't forget it because I watched the match with my father at stadium.
By Mr. Mandela

The Mystery of Confuse

Many years ago, we have great story of this country. It was about suffering from occupation by colonial. However, history is sometimes unrealistic. It is because of some influences by those who have power. Then, the consequence, history is sometimes manipulation.

Young generations are little confused about the truth of history. ...
By Mr. Cameron

Music and Memory

Do you know that music can save memory? Yes, music can save memory: sweet memory, bad memory, etc. It is based on my experience. I remember when I was a child, my father played Malaysian song. And now, when I listen to the song, I remember the situation of the moment. I also remember when my mom played a song while cooking and I repaired my toys. Both are proofs that music can save memory.

Mat Sumoto said Human can save memory: sort and long term memory. I believe in it. Music is a media for saving memory in brain.

It is the same as memory; music needs space and time in the practice: space for tones and capacity, and time for movement and memory.
By Mr. Amor

Vocabulary Collection 'Kumpulan kosa kata' (7)

Dictionary, Learn English, Vocabulary,

Sulk : ngambek, merajuk, mendongkol
Indeed : memang, sungguh !
Concern : Prihatin, 
undaunted : tak takut/gentar, berani
hereditary : turun-temurun
fondle : memanjakan, menimang
aspire : bercita-cita, menginginkan
outstrip : melebihi, melampaui
the zeal and virtue : semangat dan kebaikan
proselyte : pemeluk agama baru, pengikut baru
Terus terang : frankly, candid, straightforward
including (preposition),
include (Verb)
prihatin concern
absurd : impossible, tak masuk akal
absorb  : menghisap
go through : mengalami
persecute : menyiksa, menganiaya
stronghold : kubu
Seek (Formal) not physical
Search : look for carefully
1) to look somewhere carefully
2) to try to find the answer to a problem
Look for sth/sbd: to try to find something or someone, either because you have lost them or because you need them
Bring implies the conveying of something from a distant place or person to a nearer place or person.
Example: Bring me a drink.
"Carry" implies the conveying of something from one place to another. 
Example: Please carry this to the car.
"Fetch" implies a two-way trip that is to go for something and bring it back. 
Example: Rover, fetch the ball.
"Take" implies motion away from speaker to a person or place. 
Example: Please take me to your leader.
Affect (state)
Influence (process) : having the character, development, or behavior changed by sth/sbd
Discover  -  to find out something existing but not yet known
e.g. Columbus discovered America but he did not explore the new continent
Invent  -  to create or design some thing not existing before
e.g. Edison invented the electric light bulb
fundraiser : penggalangan dana
In the meantime : dalam pada itu
vigilant : waspada
alert : waspada, selalu siap
egregious : oustanding bad, shocking
casts (membuat) doubt
aerial (udara) vehicle
... respectively : berturut-turut
thatched roof : atap dari jerami/daun tebu, dsll
straw : jerami
enact : memerankan
pay heed to : pay attention
skitter : move lightly and quickly or hurriedly
uneven : tak rata
terrain : tanah lapangan, daerah
students have tackled the garbage problem in their hometown : mengerjakn, melakukan
uproar : kegemparan, kegaduhan, huru-hara
thievery : pencurian
prevail : berlaku (kki)
seminal : mempunyai kemungkinan berkembang di masa depan
prolifically : dg banyak hasil
skew (toward) : menyatakan tidak dengan sebenarnya, berbuat curang
epitomize : be a perfect example, melambangkan,
launching a preemptive (lebih dulu) war without the threat of an imminent (dekat, sebentar lagi) attack
vehement : penuh semangat, berapi-api
bystanders : orang yang berdiri dekat, penonton
vicinity  : sekitar, hampiran
caveat : surat protes/keberatan
a bunch of grapes hanging from over a lofty branch.
"Just the thing to quench my thirst," quoted the fox. (memuaskan dahaga)
the fox turned up his nose and said, "They're probably sour anyway," and proceeded to walk away.
The tree  gave rest and shelter to hundreds and thousands of travelers
The tree act as a connection point of all towns and villages in the nearby area
trunk : batang pohon
innumerable branches
Those spread the shadow covering a wide space.
They tried to reach a town located at the east of the tree
They were enjoying the soothing cool breeze of the tree
soothing : mengentengkan (pain), menenagkan (nerves), menyejukkan
Since it is not a fruit-bearing tree, the traveller was disappointed
Since: karena
fruit-bearing tree
cursing : mengutuk
It is of no use!
compose : menenangkan
to stay cool : untuk tenang
After walking around for some time, she came to a spring
spring : mata air
a blade of grass : sehelai
While making her way up
She could have drowned if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her
nearby tree
She plucked off a leaf
a hunter nearby was throwing out his net towards the dove, hoping to trap it.
A young monkey named Sari
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