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Vocabulary "Kosa Kata" (3)


Learning English, Vocabulary, Dictionary

to stifle this intrusion
stifle a yawn : menahan kantuk
intrusion: gangguan
sheepishly : dengan malu-malu
squeaked: bercicit, mengerik
Meekly : dengan lembut/sabar/taat
Head off : to start a journey or leave a place:
What time are you heading off?
To device a way : merencanakan suatu cara
felt a yawn approaching : menguap
Set sb up: to establish someone or yourself in a business or position:
After he left college, his father set him up in the family business.
She set herself up as an interior designer.
[often passive] informal to trick someone in order to make them do something, or in order to make someone seem guilty of something that they have not done:
They claimed that they weren't selling drugs, but that they'd been set up by the police.
to provide the money that someone needs for an important task or activity that is expected to last a long time:
Winning the lottery has set them up for life.
to provide someone with the energy or health that you need for a particular period of time:
A good breakfast really sets you up for the day.
Purse: dompet, mengerutkan bibir
intervene : turutcampur
patrons : langganan (of a restaurant)
To frequent (v) : sering mengunjungi
ruminated : merenungkan (in the past)
dismissed the absurd notion : membuyarkan dugaan mustahil/tak masuk akal

Sit up : (STAY AWAKE) to stay awake and not go to bed although it is late:
[+ -ing verb] The book was so interesting that I sat up all night reading it.
I'll be late tonight, so don't sit up for (= wait for) me.

Wake up to sth : to start to understand that a situation or problem exists:
Governments are finally waking up to the fact that the environment should be cleaned up.

rope: tali

tangkai : stem

effigy : patung

underworld: The world of criminal/ dunianya penjahat

Go off:
- If a light or a machine goes off, it stops working:
The lights went off in several villages because of the storm.
-If a bomb goes off, it explodes:
The bomb went off at midday.
-If a gun goes off, it fires:
His gun went off accidentally

Alley / alleyways : gang
lane / laneways : a narrow road in rural area

(From) The other day: at a certain time past, not distant, but indefinite; not long ago; recently; rarely, the third day past.

right away/off: Immediately; at once; without delay.

You can bring a friend along

Dia ngambek: he sulked

Please stop by my office next week. / call briefly as a visitor

fervently : dengan penuh semangat

learning objectives : tujuan pembelajaran

perfunctory : acuh tak acuh, asal saja

espionage : pengintaian

to forge a new relationship

forge : menempa

vigorous : giat

Meanwhile : sementara itu

Evict : mengusir

Pervert Islam : merusak/menodai Islam

to go in relentless pursuit of someone
relentless : tapa belas kasihan

intact : utuh

The cookbook cover was frayed
frayed : berjumbai

scratchy : kasar menggatalkan

sips : menyesap, minum sedikit2

revel : engage in lively and noisy festives

trudge :
verb-berjalan dengan susah payah
noun-perjalanan dengan susah payah

furrowed brow : alis berkerut
e.g he trudged along with a furrowed brow

He waves a dismissive hand
melambaikan tangan, tanda sesuatu tidak begitu penting dipertimbangkan

creep : berjalan pelan agar tidak didengar/diketahui

fiddling with a spoon
fiddling : menggesek, annoyingly trivial

dregs : ampas

casts : melempar

agile : cerdas, tangkas
agility : ketangkasan

shimmer : kilau, cahaya gemerlapan

accentuated : menonjolkan

She was gifted beyond most

flashes of light

fiery : berapi-api

rite. : a religious or other solemn ceremony or act

She yanked on the chain with perfectly bridled strength
yank : merenggut
bridle : mengekang

cordially : dengan ramah

Roof ripped from home

feud : perseteruan

flourish : tumbuh, berkembang

lure : pikatan, daya tarik

Octopus leaps out of water


Phrasal verb:

up for : available for
snake in/out : berjalan pelan-pelan agar tidak diketahui
tell somebody off : memarahi/mengomeli

vanish : lenyap, menghilang

frigid : dingin sekali

annihilate : membinasakan, membasmi

despise : menganggap hina, menganggap rendah

incite : menghasut

spewed : memuntahkan

probe : pemeriksaan, penyelidikan

descendants : keturunan, anak cucu

espionage : pengintaian

Spanning a period from 2006 until December 2014

grappled : bergelut

inundated with warnings related to the US ‘War on Terror
inundated : membanjiri, menggenangi

satellite interception ?

profile : describe in a short article

humdrum : monotonous, membosankan

signal jamming ?
jamming : penyumbatan

the relationship between A and B has frayed
frayed: become worn at edge

financial woes
woe: great sorrow, distress, trouble

breach : menerobos (v), pelanggaran (n)

Paid Leave?

raucous applause
raucous : loud noise

A quickly pounced with heated condemnations of B
pounced : diterkam, disambar

albeit predictable
albeit : sekalipun, walaupun = though

thwart : menghalangi, merintangi, menggagalkan

loom : appear as a vague form, terbayang

sway hearts
sway : mengguncang

roiled : mengganggu

construe : interpret in a particular way

draw a line in the sand:
~ to create or declare an artificial boundary and imply that crossing it will cause trouble.
~ to say that a particular idea or activity will not be supported or accepted

disposal - dispose
-dispose of = get rid of
-overcome (a rival or threat)

adamant and consistent
adamant : tak mau berubah, tak mau menyerah

forthright, candid, frank : jujur, terus terang, blak-blakan

conciliatory - conciliate : placet someone, pacify ; mendamaikan

he started his second stint as Prime Minister in 2004
stint : tugas

conflate (with) : combine into one

exacerbate : memperburuk

ascertain : memastikan

remarks (noun) : komen

after the votes are cast
cast : membuat, memberikan
casting : pemilihan pemain

irreparable.: tak dapat diperbaiki

get over : recover (from an unpleasant experience), overcome (a difficulty)

Back out : Tidak jadi
Dicky: You said, you want to join us. Come on?
Agung: Sorry, I back out.

countryside : daerah pedalaman

shovel : sekop, sodok

Shrug : mengangkat bahu (ekspresi)

smirk : tersenyum dibuat-buat
giggle : terkikih-kikih

Start (sth) off : to begin by doing something, or to make something begin by doing something

You should nickname me
nickname (Verb)

You slam the door
slam : membanting

tipping point
-the point at which a series of small changes or incidents becomes significant enough to cause a larger, more important change.
"Brooding about this needless death, I reached the internal tipping point , where my guilt started to outweigh my pleasure."

gist : intisari

infiltrate : merembes, masu ke (e.g wilayah musuh)

sculpture : seni pahat

screech : menciut-ciut (suara)

mosquito net : kelambu

grazing : mengembalakan
goat: kambing
sheep : domba

the only girl I’ve ever known who could rival her charm, intellect and beauty is her mom
rival : menyaingi
charm : pesona, daya tarik

"Whatever it takes" means do what you can to get something done.
e.g He will do whatever it takes to support his family

picturesque : indah (seperti dalam lukisan), visually attractive

coastline : garis pantai

conifer-coated mountains

imposing : mengesankan

coincidence, or fate, or sheer blind luck

propensity for (kecenderungan) + Ving

but it isn't clear why they were granted freedom when many others had not been so lucky

the course of hours
course : rangkaian

handcuffed : borgol (n/v)

electrocuted : membunuh dg listrik

blindfold : menutup mata dengan kain

About another month went by : kira2 sebulan berlalu

captors : penahan, penangkap

Tertiary : ketiga



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