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Vocabulary 'Kosa Kata' (2)


Learning English, Vocabulary, Dictionary

slander : memfitnah

clarity : kejelasan

.... thereof : dari padanya

shiver : menggigil (verb)

praise : memuji

extol : memuji dengan sangat

reinstated : mengembalikan ke posisi semula

fume: menggerutu

hiss: mendesis tak sepakat atau menejek/mencemooh

indiscriminately : secara tidak pandang bulu

mercilessly : tanpa ampun

mercilessly : dg tanpa ampun

pseudonym : nama samaran

qualms : rasa cemas

unveil : menyingkap

disclose : menyingkap

at will : semaunya, sesukanya

the guise of : samaran, kedok

assorted poems

assorted : bermacam-macam, campuran


his teeth were a terrible mess: overlapping, crooked and protruding like fangs

He is adamant

adamant : tetap tidak mau berubah, tak mau menyerah

unencumbered : tak terbebani

gag : lelucon

Fathom : understand something after much thought [usually with negative]

Dust pervaded the dim room

the end of his nose

Pammel : baku hantam

dodge : mengelak, menghindar

comatose : pingsan, tidak sadarkan diri

bounces (back): terpelanting, mental

chivalrous : sangat sopan (terhadap perempuan)

overriding : menolak (karena hal lain lebih penting)

unbuckle seat belt

rowdy: gaduh

keys in the ignition

ignition : tempat kontak/starter (motor/mobil)

dispatch : memberangkatkan

to raise cain : ribut tak karuan/marah sekali

e.g my parents as well as the other kids parents raised cain over it

wrecking the bus

wreck : merusak

nerve pills

act up : behave badly

nag : mengomel

Perbedaan "Give up" dan "Give in"

dalam bahasa Indonesia mungkin sama artinya, yakni menyerah atau berhenti.

Give up: (biasanya diikuti V-ing)

1) berhenti mencoba melakukan sesuatu


-When nightfall came, we gave up looking for the lost dog.

-I’ve given up trying to reason with you.

2) berhenti melakukan sesuatu

-He gave up basketball in order to focus on his musical career.

-He gave up singing

Give in: berhenti melawan sesuatu (Biasanya diikuti preposition to)

-Kids must try hard to resist giving in to peer pressure.

-The authorities refused to give in to the hostage takers’ demands.

-Kids have learned if they nag enough for long enough, parents will give in.

resemble (menyerupai; transitive verb)

pointers : Petunjuk

e.g I will give you pointers and ideas about which issues you should be considering

you need facilities for dropping off and picking up children.

dropping off : antar

picking up : jemput

supervision : pengawasan

We need supervision at all times for the kids

staff and superiors

pegawai dan atasan

Apart from ... A ... ..., ... B

e.g Apart from keeping things in perspective and developing a long-term vision, there are things you can do

To factor something in/out : memasukkan/mengeluarkan sesuatu (include/exclude something as a relevant)

He is feeling a financial pinch

top-notch service

notch : derajat

layoff : pemberhentian (sementara)

e.g there have been layoffs due to lack of work

dismal : muram, sedih

dismal future : masa depan yang malang

detrimental to : mengganggu

e.g Lack of excercise can be detrimental to one's health

kurang latihan dapat mengganggu kesehatan seseorang

infect : menulari, menjangkiti, mempengaruhi

to boost staff morale

morale : moril, semangat juang

curfew : jam malam

curfew : jam malam

I moved around discreetly

discreetly : dg hati-hati agar tidak mengganggu

axis : poros, sendi

warrant : menjamin

unfathomable : tak dapat diduga

instigate : menghasut

showdown : bentrokan, pertikaian

opaque material : benda tak tembus cahaya

Lethal weapon : senjata mematikan

reverently : dengan penuh hormat

offerings : sesaji

the water cascading

cascading : mengalir/berpancaran ke bawah

dusk : petang, menjelang malam, waktu samar-samar



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