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Adjectives We Use Everyday


English Bahasa Indonesia
It is Interesting
It is remarkable
It is wonderful
It is tense
It is scary
It is luxurious
It is trivial
It is pathetic
It is amazing
It is alarming
It is alarming
It is peaceful
It is amazing/astonishing
It is horrible
It is pricky
It is mushy
It is sticky
It is neatly arranged
It is irrefutable
This road is impassible
The village is levelled
It is despicable
It is so poignant
It is elusive
It is solemn
It is bulletproof
It is restricted
It is uncanny

They are perished
He is gloomy
He is a delicate lady
They are cash-trapped
He is an avid reader
He is a book snob
she is careless
he is greedy
he's arrogant
he is stingy
he is a coward
he is a traitor
he is selfish
he is cruel
he's rude
he is tough-minded
he is stubborn
she is grumpy
he is naughty
he is crybaby/sentimental
she is worried
he is doubtful
He is clumsy
he is so annoying

he is talented
he is a gifted one
he is agile
he is an outstanding one
he is charming
he is imaginative
he is communicative
he is compassionate
he is sensitive
he is careful
he is calm
she is  great
he is incredible
he is patient
he is polite
he is gentle
he is careful
he is a lover
he is generous
he is friendly
she is funny/humorous
he is brave
he is a coward
he is a coward
he is prosperous

they are agreeable

Ini menarik
ini luar biasa
ini indah
ini menegangkan
ini menakutkan
ini mewah
ini sepele
ini menyedihkan
ini menakjubkan
ini mengkhawatirkan
ini meresahkan
ini tentram
ini mengherankan
ini mengerikan
ini berduri
ini lembek
ini sulit
Ini tertata rapi
Ini tidak dapat dibantah
Jalan ini tidak bisa dilalui
Desa itu rata
Ini tercela
Ini sangat perih
Ini sukar dipahami
Ini khidmat
Ini tahan peluru
Ini dibatasi
Ini aneh/gaib

Mereka binasa
Dia murung
Dia seorang wanita yang lembut
Mereka kehabisan uang
Dia seorang penggila baca
Dia seorang penggila buku
dia ceroboh
dia tamak
dia sombong
dia kikir
dia penakut
dia pengkhianat
dia egois
dia jahat
dia kasar
dia keras hati
dia keras kepala
dia pemarah
dia nakal
dia cengeng
dia resah
dia ragu-ragu
dia kikuk/canggung
dia sangat menjengkelkan

dia berbakat
dia orang berbakat
dia tangkas
dia orang terkemuka
dia menawan
dia imajinatif
dia komunikatif
dia iba
dia peka
dia berhati-hati
dia tenang
dia hebat
dia luar biasa
dia sabar
dia santun
dia lemah lembut
dia perhatian
dia penyayang
dia dermawan
dia ramah
dia lucu
dia berani
dia penakut
dia pengecut
dia sejahtera

mereka serasi

*Still on the process of editing



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